Friday 19 June 2009

A Neuro-Testimony

Remember my neurology exam I posted up few posts before this??So yea,the result came out today!!

AND I PASSED OVERALL!!!All thanks to MY PAPA J!!MY ROCK!!!Not because of me.Not my books.Well,fine..abit of me,abit of them books and abit to my frens.*hiaks!*BUT.........


I've mention before that I reli,reli,reli didnt do well for my basic neurology exam rite..and I was reli worried that I wouldnt pass my neurology exam and had to come bck to Bali in the midst of my sem break.Think of how much my parents gotta spent on the extra return flight tickets and on immigration documents,especially whn I'm taking two flights to go back to Kch.Did I mention that every student studyin in Indonesia has to spent extra money?A minimum of Rp350,000 to get out of Indonesia for some re-entry permit + airport tax?I didnt???well,now you knw. =.='''

So anyhu....Results came out today and I PASSED!I prayed to God the whole time asking for a miracle that I'll get more than 80%,preferably 82%,for my clinical neurology exam to enable me to pass overall. A miracle because...well,ashamed to say this,but,I rarely get more than 80% in my theory exams..not never.just rarely.RARE. =S

But God answered my prayer!wootwoot!!I've prayed for 82%.And He gave me 82% for my clinical neuro!!Not more,not less.EXACTLY what I prayed for. Some of you would be thinking rite now "SO what??You didnt get more than that!And clinical neuro was freakin EASY!!!LOTSA ppl passed and got better overall results than u!!You sure its because of ur prayer??"
So what??I prayed for that,I GOT THAT!And I'm not comparing myself with others!I only wanted to pass overall!since I did reli reli bad in my basic neuro,I just wanted to pass!Got a 72% overall.And besides,thru that period,I've learnt something*wink*

The whole period from before the clinical exam till today,I've learn to TOTALLY trust God.Not 30%,50% or even 80% trust.I've learnt to trust in the Almighty God 100%!!Wasn't easy for me to do that since I always had doubts in my exams and relied in my own strength,my own capacity.We,as humans,ALWAYS tend to do and see things in our own perspective,no?A person who always rely on herself and in her opinion..sure is difficult to fully trust and rely on God sumtimes.

But it's through that time I finally understand and experience the true meaning of TOTAL 100% TRUST in GOD. To trust without doubt, without internal conflict,without negative thoughts constantly running thru ur mind.But instead have peace and leave it in His hands that God will bless me with what I prayed for.

I just wanna encourage u guys.If there's anyone of u feeling that at this moment,achieveing that goal or dream u've always wanted seems so so far-fetched,don't be afraid or worried.It's hard but do not let the negativity control your mind and emotions.I knw it's so easy to think negatively bout everything.But looking on the bright side of things and havin hope is what helps u thru the stress.But most importantly,"FIX YOUR EYES ON HIM" and continuously pray with total trust. Our God is a BIG GOD and he NEVER fails his children. Sumtimes what we asked for don't happen according to our way,but that doesnt mean good things ain't gonna happen.THings happen for a reason and things happen according to GOd's timing.Be patient. =)
Our Lord's thinking is way way larger than how we think because He sees the BIG picture of things in our life.We don't.We,humans,onli focused on the problem and the stained black dots in our life.

So there,do not be afraid to have BIG dreams and BIG goals. Come to Him and He'll always guide you thru to achieve them!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! my heart olso overflows with pride on your testimony. Yes! Yes! All Glory to the One and Only One ALmighty God!
May you continue to grow! Amen