Monday 16 November 2009

Night Bird

Few nights ago, was the usual normal nothing-special-of-a-night.Oh wasn't night time,more like early morning..say 'bout 2-ish in the morning?FYI,I do not sleep early.not for a long time,anyway.I blame the endless nights of studying as it came nearer to exams. I blame my body and mind for not adjusting back to the normal cycle. I blame I blame I blame!That's not the point of this entry though.*knock me head*

Anyhuuu,was doing nothin, logging in the net while reading my current book, "Hello,Doggy" by Elaine Fox when suddenly I received a call from a friend stayin in a room above mine,Saras (short for saraswathy).

"Angel,come upstairs.There's a parrot la..come,come..faster.." (she said smth like dat )

I was curious and surprised..and know what I imagined???A HUGE FAT ASS white parrot...


Something like this!!

And at the same time, I wondered whtr will it attack anyone of us?since it's gonna huge!c'mon lar...PARROT WOR.......

So I went upstairs and walked towards my friend's room.As I was walking nearer and nearer looking out for the huge ass parrot tht was in my mind,it was nowhere to be seen, when suddenly I saw this white shadowy figure at the right side just few rooms away from my friend's,comfortably setting itself on the door latch...

Only then I realised it was the fowl my friend was referring to.And I was

My "huge big fat ass parrot" was this..........

"Big fat ass parrot",my foot! If my imagination was right in front of me, she deserves a big punch like in those Looney Toon cartoons! So there,our little Aves visitor for the night.

But this fowl sure do deserve a compliment for being tame and friendly.Of course not as friendly like a lil cute puppy licking ur hand,bt still, friendly.At least,it didnt attack us. And I dare say this bird could be a contestant in "The Most Photogenic Bird Ever!" If only I knew if It was a She or He,and if It was a She,then maybe she could join Mick Long's "Ms. Photogenic FB"!

Here's a few of her poses. She loves the camera, I tell u.Spotlight lover.haha

See?she loves the limelight... =P

I still don't know what sort of species that bird was.It didnt matter anyway. But I think we're all sure that it's not a parrot,eh? =) It was still pretty nonetheless..White with faint light blue shades at it's lower back and tail. A very pleasant unexpected visitor indeed....

It's not there anymore,though.I "smartly" wanted to make it move away frm the latch so that it wouldnt get hurt when my friend open the door,but I think it was shocked and finally flew away. =( Smart,eh?? =.=""

Alritey's late..for lunch.I'm starving..gotta fill my stomach with food. Chaoz~


shiela suhud said...

angel... izit a real pix?

~anGeL~ said...

hi lala..which pic do u mean?the 1st one isnt the one I took..but the rest r actual pics I took.. :)

CrazySouled said...

it's a baby parrot.. its ass has not grow yet hahaha~

~anGeL~ said...

it is,grace?i'm not sure...hehhe ;P i was reli thinkin it was a big one,though!lol!