This happened 'bout almost a month ago...My room in Bali.Freakingly dirty,messed up bathroom..It was midnight,parents were sleepin,I was studyin(well,more to TRYING to study)....
And then "THUD"! It wasn't a loud crash.But a faint thud,a sound similar when you knock your hands in a fist-like manner onto the table.
As soon as I heard it,I knew straightaway what the sound was.THIS.
I have actually foresee this happening.Know why?Months past by and weeks ago,I saw that my ceiling in the bathroom had cracks all over. At first,I thought it was because of the earthquakes in Bali.Boy was I wrong.A couple of weeks before this happened,I noticed a thick brown line of what looks like nests by the window in the pantry.So I went over to check it out and removed my cutting board...and I had goosebumps in disgust!On the other side of the cutting board,you could see rows of eaten bits of the board,infested with termites!I thought they were maggots at first 'cause I could only see the white end of the body which was elongated. Only when the ceiling came crashing down then I realised that they were friggin-full-on-fat-arse-termites!!!Informed the caretaker of my building and all he said was"Okay,nanti ya..harus tunggu tukangnya..tukangnya sibuk.." Days after days after days..It was the same old reason.Bugged him every single time I saw him to get the ceiling fixed and remove the nest,which was spreadin and gettin longer like nobody's business!Waited and waited waited..till my parents came over to Bali,and that night itself,BOOM!!!!A hole in the ceiling!!Procrastination ain't good in this case!duh!I shall not complain and grumble about how most people work in a certain place...Whatever it is,this is the result of such procrastination. =(
See those lil buggers who could make such a big mess??looks like maggots rite??I'm putting this as one of the many reasons us human should abhor procrastination. It destroys your ceiling.Bleh!